Where a picture’s worth a thousand woofs!

Lucy & Fifi April 26, 2008

Of course they’re poodles!

Lucy, the apricot colored dame, is 14 years old and still retaining a youthful glow and a hearty appetite. 😉 She loves treats, relaxing and snuggling in her Mom’s arms. Her mom owns a killer hair salon in Metrowest and was kind enough to give the girls a little trim before our shoot.

Lucy therefore displayed a beautiful pair of eyes and some bangs, which I hear are in now. 🙂 She is incredibly sweet, obviously adorable and a perfect partner to watch the sun go down with.

Fifi is the younger adopted sister of Lucy who cares less about relaxing and more about chasing. Namely lizards, frogs and squirrels. However, when all of the above are in safe hiding, Fifi imagines critters up and chases after those as well. I’m not kidding, she seemed to find creatures taunting her in the pool (possibly a poodle monster reflection), on a bare spot of pool deck, in a motionless patch of grass or stone. She was a constant whirlwind of activity, never in the same place for more than a blink.

And just when I thought I might actually have a millisecond to snap a picture, she’d see a bird in her peripheral…30ft in the sky above…and bolt across the yard as it flew parallel and always out of reach. It was hilarious! And although she never actually catches anything, I give her a big “A” for effort, imagination and perseverance . I so wish my dogs could entertain themselves like that for hours. Fifi has a gorgeous little face of wonder and determination and I admire her for it. I had a wonderful time with these girls.


Dog Fest 2008 April 25, 2008

How much fun was this?! I’ll tell you. Combine a bunch of dogs, a worthy charity and a flowing bar and you’ve got the best doggone street party this side of the Atlantic. Dog Fest is held annually in downtown Orlando and benefits the Cian Griffin Cystic Fibrosis Fund. I had so much fun and met so many awesome people with equally awesome dogs. There was music, mingling and contests which included a dog that, get this….peed while standing on his two front legs. Twice. For an audience. I know! VIEW THE COMPLETE BATCH OF PHOTOS AND ORDER PRINTS AT WWW.PICTAGE.COM/430607

Excuse me sir, it’s illegal to park in front of a fire hydrant.


Nellie & Barney April 23, 2008

Filed under: dog photo shoot,dogs,Lab,poodle — photohound @ 10:24 pm

I really love my job. And dogs like these two just perpetuate that feeling of glee.

Nellie is the SWEETEST and I mean SWEETEST little joy that ever was. She is a lab at 11 years old but has the face of a puppy, a really super cute puppy too. I just melted every time she looked at the camera. She was rescued from a bleak life where she was consistently providing puppies and ’till this day is still looking for that last litter she was separated from.

She is an old soul and I can only imagine what a good mommy she was to her pups. She is wise and gentle and has such a calming and peaceful energy about her.

Her step-brother Barney has a story of his own too. One day Barney decided to take a walk to Orlando…from MIAMI! He ended up on the rainy doorstep of his current and loving owner where he was quickly absorbed into the family. (We know he came from Miami because of his microchip and his former owner confirming that fact.) Barney is an attention getter and a lap sitter and he has to have all of you, all at once. Although he holds Nellie in high regard, he’d much rather be receiving the petting thank you very much.

We snuggled, he and I, but much to his disappointment he discovered it’s a lot easier for me to take his picture when he’s not in my lap. He also insisted that I shell out treats at the pace of a slot machine or else he’d give me a talking to. He is truly an angel, a perfect snuggle buddy and he knows what he wants and goes for it.

I had an absolutely wonderful time with these two and their owners (a mother and daughter who are equally as warm and welcoming as their dogs) 🙂