Where a picture’s worth a thousand woofs!

Cotton August 26, 2007

Filed under: dog photo shoot,dogs,Golden Retriever — photohound @ 1:51 pm

I had so much fun with Cotton! She’s an English Golden with a gorgeous coat, a wonderfully sweet-as-home-made-pie demeanor and a love for the pool. She amused me with her love of flying

and her laid-back approach to swimming. She likes to recline on the step and soak. And she’ll retrieve a pool toy but there’s no rush- it’s not like it’s going anywhere.
After several hours of land-water-land-water rotations, we dried off…and wore the towel around for a bit.
I put my camera away four times, preparing to leave and each time she topped her cuteness so I was forced- forced, I tell you- to take it out again and again to continue photographing. Thanks for the awesome morning, Cotton!


Copper & Penny August 6, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — photohound @ 2:22 pm

If this is the kind of thing one would find in the U.S. mint, I’d be working there (although machines that make money are definitely pretty cool.) Anyway, these two are not the same breed, they are not related and they have different owners. So, I thought it was pretty neato that their names alluded to a theme. Either way, their owners are pretty lucky- they are both incredible, adorable dogs filled with personality.
Copper is a gorgeous Golden Retriever with a Pantene-ish coat who plays very well with those of a smaller stature (no, not me silly, Penny.) He likes lizards,
a good tennis ball to chew on, and treats. He also enjoyed chasing Penny and making sure she didn’t get too greedy with the toys.
Penny is a spunky dachshund/terrier who may just well win the Doggie Nascar cup this year. I’m not kidding, you should see her doing nearly invisible laps around the couch. Her pit crew is a group of invisible elves that live underneath that couch because that’s where she disappears to when she’s about to get caught (in this case, the competition was Copper.)

Our photo session took place at Penny’s Mom & Dad’s house as this was a shared Double Dog Session, yes we can do that. Although we chose that location for the fenced in yard, 99% of the photographing took place indoors because the light coming in was incredible and I couldn’t have asked for anything more- not even a studio! Thanks Heather & Bruce for the great location and thank you Sonya & Tim for getting everyone together. I had a blast.